Materials may be renewed one time providing a hold for the material has not been placed by another patron. Library items may be renewed in person, by phone, or online. Overdue items may be renewed Lost items may not be renewed.
Items are held for two days. If the item is not picked up by closing time on the second day, the hold is cancelled and the item is returned to circulation or fills the next hold in the queue.
The library is no longer charging fines for most items. There will still be a due date for each item that is checked out. Library materials are for the shared use of the whole community and we expect the return of the items on or before the due date.
Adult, YA, & Children's Books
New Adult Books
Holiday Books
VOX Books
Music CDs
Newly Released DVDs
4 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
1 week
1 week
1 week
4 days