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Follow these steps to download the app and log in to access your account:

1.  Search for "Main Library Alliance" in your device's app store, download and install on your device.
2.  When you first load the app, you will see the Main logo.
3.  To log in and access your Mountainside Library account and its resources, tap three lines
4.  Tap "Sign In" and you will be taken to a screen where you will be prompted to enter your Library card number and PIN.
5.  Tap "Login" and you should see the screen change to show the Mountainside Library logo.
6.  Tap three lines again to open the side menu where you can view your checkouts, renew items, see your holds, etc.

Other Great Features:

*  Digital Library Card - Use your phone as your library card!  Locate "My Barcode" near the top of the screen and tap to bring up a digital version of your       card number and barcode.
*  Linkable accounts - You can link all your family member's digital cards in one place.
*  Scan ISBN barcode - scan the barcode on any book (in a store, at a friend's) and you can see if the library has a copy.
*  Easy Access to Digital Resources - access The Star Ledger, The Wall Street Journal, Consumer Reports, and more